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What's on the Rabbi's mind this week?

Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © Jewish Chronicle.

Photo: “Inspitit with Jumoke Fashola”, © BBC Radio London.

Week of 29th July – The final thoughts

Appropriately for Rabbi Romain’s last week at Maidenhead, he had an article in the Jewish Chronicle on his many years at the Synagogue.

Click here or visit

while he also did the News Review on Sunday morning for BBC London on the case for/against former convicts competing at the Olympics, God “saving” Donald Trump from the assassin’s bullet, & the unleashing of wind farms in the UK. Click here or visit: (from 1:44:07)


Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © The Times.

Week of 22nd July – Shabbat shalom

The Rabbi had an article about Keir Starmer and the Sabbath in Saturday’s The Times.

See Shabbat_JonathanRomain_Times_20Jul2024.

Here’s the link (but it’s behind a  paywall) or visit 

Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © Jewish Chronicle.

Week of 15th July – to preserve or create life

The Rabbi advised on this moral quandary in the latest Jewish Chronicle: If a pregnant woman has been told by her doctor that continuing with the pregnancy poses a risk to her life and she should terminate it, what should she do?

Click here to read the full article, or visit Can a woman continue with her pregnancy if her life is at risk? – The Jewish Chronicle (

Photo: “Sunday Morning Live”, © BBC.

Week of 8th July – new Government

The Rabbi was speaking on what religious issues face the new Government on Sunday morning (yesterday) on the BBC’s Sunday Morning Live.

Click here or visit 
and then scroll forward to 01:44.

Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © Jewish Chronicle.

Week of 1st July – great replacement

The Rabbi was pleased to be totally redundant on Friday evening when the entire service was taken by the Adult Education class (tutored by Varda Parash), while the next morning he was only minimally involved when the service was taken by the bar/batmitzvah group (which he teaches).

It’s great that several of our teenagers and those of a much older generation are sufficiently able to lead services in the way they did.

And in three weeks time we will have another of our periodic adult batmitzvahs, when a woman who never had one as a child will be having hers.

Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © Jewish Chronicle.

Week of 24th June – patrilineal vs. matrilineal vs equilineal

In his new role as head of the Rabbinic Court of Reform Judaism, which the Rabbi has just started, he and the head of the Liberal equivalent had a joint letter in the Jewish Chronicle on Friday about Jewish status if one has a Jewish father …which is significant both because of the outreach potential to many in British Jewry and because it is the first ever joint statement of the heads of the two Batei Din.

Karen Glaser (JC, 14 June, p. 20) is right to assert her father’s Jewish status, based on the patrilineal line. We today are heirs of two traditions: in biblical times, Jewish descent went through the father (so it mattered not that Joseph married an Egyptian priest’s daughter or that Moses married a Midianite priest’s daughter), while in rabbinic times it switched to the matrilineal.
Reform and Liberal Judaism acknowledge both traditions and have harmonised them into one, recognising the Jewish status of any person who has one Jewish parent, whatever their gender. The object is to be both loyal to Jewish history and inclusive today.


Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, Chair,  Beit Din of Reform Judaism
Rabbi Mark Solomon, Chair, Beit Din of Liberal Judaism

Photo: “Sunday Morning Live”, © BBC.

Week of 17th June – Anonymity & Parenting

Should the two 12 year old killers of Shawn Seesahai keep their anonymity (as happens in juvenile cases) or should they be named and shamed? The Rabbi had a feisty debate on Sunday Morning Live. Click here or visit then forward to 01:40.

He also did TalkTV yesterday afternoon on two topics: assisted dying and (separately) the importance of parenting. Click here or visit then forward to 0:27:48.

Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © Jewish Chronicle.

Week of 10th June – Election, Trump and Life Cycle


Everyone’s promising no tax rises – no income tax/NIC/VAT – so where is the extra money for NHS, schools, defence going to come from? My maths says 0+0=0 and I’m getting increasingly worried we’ll have another few weeks of economic denial.


Whatever your political view, we have to be grateful that neither Rishi Sunak nor Keir Starmer are likely to end up as convicted felons. That may be a low bar for politicians and we are right to still expect high levels of integrity, but the USA shows just how low some can get.
I understand why Trump acts as he does, that’s who he is, but I cannot fathom why there are so many people in the political leadership and Church hierarchies who support him. Yes, there is self-interest, but doesn’t there come a point when it gets over-ridden by self-respect?

Life cycle

This weekend in synagogue we did a baby blessing of a newborn child, a marriage blessing and had a 58th wedding anniversary. Amazing how, alongside the many woes of the world, ordinary cycle of life events continue and give such pleasure to those involved. Thankfully.



Photo: “Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Romain”, © Jewish Chronicle.

Week of 3rd June – General Election Impacts on the Jewish Community

The Rabbi gave two sermons on it and wrote in the JC about the unintended consequence of the election – to derail three bills that affect the Jewish community

Click here or visit  

Photo: “Inspitit with Jumoke Fashola”, © BBC Radio London.

Week of 27th May – General Election, ICC rulings and resigning.

The Rabbi discussed the election (its timing), the two International Criminal Court rulings this week about Israel and whether it’s not only MPs but some of us who should change jobs as part of the News Review for BBC’s InSpirit. Click here or visit 

(starting at 1:45:17).

Photo: “Inspitit with Jumoke Fashola”, © BBC Radio London.

Week of 20th May – Blasphemy, ceasefire and sex ed!

The Rabbi did the News Review for BBC’s #InSpirit on the right of teachers to risk saying what some see as religious blasphemy, on what might happen after a ceasefire in Gaza and on sex education for children. Nothing controversial!

Click here or visit

(starting at 1:41:00)

Photo: “Reform Beit Din”, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Week of 13th May – Rabbinic Courts and a Rabbi in Qatar

The Rabbi was speaking on what is involved in the work of the Rabbinic Court and Beit Din, the new position he is taking up. Click here or visit

(starting at 04.55)

He also wrote about his experience being a Rabbi in Qatar. Click here or visit

Photo: “Peacearth”, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Week of 6th May – University Campus Protests

Students across the USA have been engaging in violent anti-Israel demonstrations, leading to police intervention and a large number of arrests. Now, students at the Rabbi’s old university – University College London (UCL) – are protesting in the front Quad about Israel’s war in Gaza too: he may disagree with them, but he has no problem with them doing so, providing they do not obstruct others from entering UCL or intimidate those trying to study. Having done demos himself in former days, he knows you can protest effectively without harassing others.

Photo: “Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel“, © GB News.

Week of 29th Apr – Assisted Dying

The Rabbi did a debate with a Catholic priest this morning on GB News shortly after 8.20 am regarding today’s rally at the House of Commons.

It’s at: Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel – Monday 29th April 2024 ( at

or Click Here

Then scroll to 2:26:00 (until 2: 34:50).

Photo: “Trisha Goddard”, © TalkTV.

Week of 22nd Apr – Faith Schools and Eruvs

The Rabbi did an interview on TalkTV on Sunday (Trisha Goddard programme at 4.35 pm for 15 mins) on the Michaela School controversy and to what extent faith and school life should mix…and also on the proposal for an Eruv to be erected in Golders Green…

It’s at: TalkTV :: Trisha Goddard

or visit: 

Hit Play (twice) and then scroll to 0:31:00.

Photo: “Henry Bonsu”, © Times Radio.

Week of 8th Apr – Sir Alan Duncan, Israel and Gaza

The Rabbi had a feisty debate on Thursday (at 11.35 pm) with Chris Hoyle of the Council for British Arab Understanding (CABU) on Times Radio (the Henry Bonsu programme) on how Britain can have an ethical arms trade policy with regard to Israel.

It’s at: Henry Bonsu | Times Radio | The Times and The Sunday Times

or visit

and watch from 1:39:00 – ​1:54:32 with a recap at 02:53:50.

Photo: “Cross Question”, © LBC.

Week of 1st Apr – Gaza, Covid, Chinese, Rishi and Titanic

The Rabbi did Iain Dales’s Cross Question on LBC on Wed (26th – a full hour, 8 pm to 9 pm) on Israel/Gaza…Covid vaccine…Chinese infiltration….Rishi Sunak….Assisted Dying…and the Titanic film.

It’s at: Cross Question with Iain Dale 26/03

or visit and watch from the start.

Photo: “Jumoké Fashola”, © BBC Radio London.

Week of 25th Mar – Royal Cancer, Black Minister & Football kit logos

The Rabbi did the News Review yesterday for BBC Radio London on Princess of Wales’ cancer & how others react to their own cancer…..what having the 1st black First Minister of Wales says about the UK….and also the deeper significance behind the new England football strip.

Click here or visit and then scroll forward to 1:46:30

Photo: “Interfaith” – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Week of 18th Mar – Interfaith envy and dialog

The Rabbi did two interviews that may be of interest – a feisty debate on assisted dying with Baroness Ilora Finlay (who opposes assisted dying) on the Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 on Friday 15th. Click here or visit and then scroll to 03:54.

Also, a discussion on BBC Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence which covered both inter-faith envy and inter-faith dialogue on Sunday 18th. Click here or visit and then scroll to 01:14.

Photo: Copyleft, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Week of 11th Mar – Kiddush or no?

The Rabbi gave the Progressive view in a Jewish Chronicle piece “Can my shul host a kiddush to celebrate a non-Jewish grandchild?”

Click here or visit Can my shul host a kiddush to celebrate a non-Jewish grandchild? – The Jewish Chronicle ( at

Photo: “Sunday Morning Live”, © BBC.

Week of 4th Mar – Rishi Sunak and Extremism

The Rabbi did BBC 1’s Sunday Morning Live on Rishi Sunak’s speech and if extremism was threatening Britain’s multi-faith democracy on March 3rd.

Click here or visit BBC iPlayer – Sunday Morning Live – Series 14: Episode 21, then scroll to 01:38.

Also click here for Kait Borsay and Calum Macdonald with Times Radio Breakfast | Times Radio | The Times and The Sunday Times then scroll to 01:16:20. 

Photo: “Andrew Marr Show”, © LBC.

Week of 26th Feb – Andrew Marr interview on Assisted Dying

The Rabbi did a 10 minute interview on assisted dying on LBC Radio with Andrew Marr last Monday (19th Feb) at 6.45 pm.

Click here or visit

and then scroll to 46:54.

Photo: “Sunday Morning Live”, © BBC.

Week of 19th Feb – Conversion Therapy and Anger in Society

The Rabbi has done 9 TV & radio interviews in the last 4 days (and on different subjects). 

Here are two interviews on BBC 1’s “Sunday Morning Live”.

Click here or visit BBC iPlayer – Sunday Morning Live – Series 14: Episode 19.

on conversion therapy (scroll to  01:56) and later in the same programme on anger in society (scroll to 33:34).

Photo: “Sarah Walker”, © BBC Radio Berkshire.

Week of 12th Feb – Loss & Bereavement

The Rabbi did did a 20 min interview with BBC Berkshire on loss & bereavement during this past week.

Click here or visit

and then scroll forward to 09:19.

Photo: “Jumoké Fashola”, © BBC Radio London.

Week of 5th Feb – Holocaust Memorial Day & Israel conflict

The Rabbi did the News Review for BBC London recently
on prayer in school, the Royal Family, greeting mourners and the war in Israel/Gaza.

Click here or visit

and then scroll forward to 1:38:45

Photo: “BC marks Holocaust Memorial Day” by BC Gov Photos is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Week of 29th Jan – Holocaust Memorial Day & Israel conflict

The Rabbi did a couple of interviews – both on Holocaust Memorial Day and the on-going conflict in Israel, with a little on One Life and the Nicholas Winton story: 

From Sat 27th Jan, see TalkTV :: Peter Cardwell at

(Scroll to 1:49:00 at 12.09pm)

Also from Sat 27th Jan see Nana Akua – Saturday 27th January 2024 ( at

Watch “Difficult Conversation” by scrolling to 01:46:00 at 5.07pm (Oli London) and 01:53:00 at 5.14pm (Rabbi Romain).

Week of 22nd Jan – About Dying and Assisted Dying

The Rabbi had a piece in the Sunday Times about grief. Click here to read it if you have a subscription, or read it here: As a rabbi I thought I knew grief. Then my son died at 34.

The Rabbi also took part in Radio 4’s Moral Maze programme as an “expert witness” on Wednesday evening (17th) on the subject of Assisted Dying. Click here to listen.

Week of 15th Jan – Reform Beit Din


Week of 8th Jan – One Life

The Rabbi had another article in The Times –  on Nicholas Winton & social action

See Honour Nicholas Winton by doing your bit to help those in need or to read it online click here (if you subscribe to The Times).


Week of 1st Jan – Forgiveness

The Rabbi had a piece in The Times on 26th December on forgiveness:

See Forgiveness is Noble but offering it is a two-way streetor if you subscribe to The Times, it may be read here.


Week of 25th Dec – Esther Rantzen’s Wish for Assisted Dying

The Rabbi contributed to several programmes on Tuesday 19th on Esther Ranzten’s desire for an assisted death:

TalkTV (3.36 pm) at TalkTV :: Ian Collins 
[hit play; watch ads; scroll to 33:33; watch more ads]

[hit play; scroll to 1:16 for news item, then 5:56 for Dame Esther & daughter, then 11:00 for the Rabbi until 16:40]

[hit play; scroll to 5:05 (8.04pm), the Rabbi us at 9:20 (8.09pm)

LBC Radio (11.05 pm) at Ben Kentish ( 
[scroll to 01:05:48 (11.05pm), Esther at 01:09:54 (11.09pm), the Rabbi at 01:10:28 (11.10pm) until 01:19:31 (11.19pm)]

and LBC Radio on Sat 23rd 6.05 pm at Ali Miraj (
[scroll to 2:04:17 (8.04pm), the Rabbi at 02:08:30 (8.08pm) until 02:15:15 (8.15pm)]

Week of 18th Dec – Convening the Reform Beit Din

The Rabbi spoke on BBC Ulster about his new role as Convener of the Reform Beit Din.
To listen Click here.  Hit Play, then forward to 1:12:08. Enjoy!

Week of 11th Dec – Chanukah, Interfaith and moral dilemmas

The Rabbi was in Saturday’s The Times regarding interfaith news in Tbilisi. See Georgia embarks on a religious revolution or if you subscribe to The Times, it may be read here.

The Rabbi also featured on Trisha Goddard’s programme on two moral dilemmas on TalkTV yesterday (Sunday).

To listen, please visit: TalkTV: Trisha Goddard hit play, wait for some annoying ads to complete then fast forward to 31:05 (at 4.40pm) and after more annoying ads you will be rewarded with the Rabbi’s words.

Week of 4th Dec – Why Chanukah is Special, and Fun!

The Rabbi featured on BBC Radio Berks, speaking on Chanukah last Sunday. The joys of frying latkes for over 100 guests was also covered…

To listen, please visit: and fast forward to 2.13.57 (at 8.14 am).

Week of 27th Nov – The March against Antisemitism

The Rabbi and quite a few members of Maidenhead Synagogue went to the massive rally against antisemitism yesterday. There were no arrests, no masked men, no slogans spreading hate. Just ordinary people standing up for the right of Jews to be at ease in their country of birth.

To read all about it and discover the comparison with the battle of Cable Street in 1936, Click Here to read the Rabbi’s article in the Jewish Chronicle.

Week of 20th Nov – Interfaith Relations

The Rabbi did a discussion (10 mins or so) on GB News with a Imam and Christian on how the Israel/Gaza conflict is affecting relations between members of the three faiths:

To watch (Sunday the 19th November’s Programme) Click Here

Skip the ads and go forward to 2:01:20 at 8.21am

Week of 13th Nov – Should pro-Palestinian marches Go Ahead?

The Rabbi was asked in the media whether the pro-Palestine march in London should go ahead last Saturday. Personally, he was very uncomfortable with the march and what it stands for, but believed it should be permitted on free speech grounds, which has to apply also to those with whom one disagrees strongly…but only if the march was not pro-Hamas (a designated terror group), preached hate, intimidated others or transitioned from being pro-Palestine to anti-Jewish, in which case police intervention would be essential.

The Rabbi did two interviews on the subject

TalkTV on 11th November at 1.45 pm: (Scroll to 3:17:38, and make sure you watch all the ads – can’t skip I’m afraid!)

and BBC Radio 4’s Sunday on 12th November: (scroll to 05:30 which is 7.15am).


Week of 6th Nov – Reviewing the News

On Sunday, the Rabbi did the News Review for BBC Radio London (Inspirit with Jumoké Fashola) on Israel/Gaza (horrendous), the Covid inquiry (black comedy) and the AI conference (exciting, scary, challenging); what a  week! To listen back go to: and fast forward to 1:38:00 at 7.38am.


Week of 30th Oct – Interfaith Harmony

Did you hear about the rabbi, vicar and imam who…didn’t go into a bar or up in a hot air balloon…but they met together, each said a prayer for peace from their own tradition, & told their congregants not to import the conflict in Israel/Gaza to the UK. Let’s fight for peace together.

For the full details see last Friday’s Maidenhead Advertiser.

Week of 23rd Oct – Am Yisrael Chai

The Rabbi’s latest media work on the terrible events in Israel and Gaza involved a 20 minute interview with Qari Asim, the Senior Imam of Leeds on Times Radio Drive on Sunday 22nd. 

Times Radio Drive (Ayesha Hazarika)

Listen at 37:20 minutes in at 4.37pm.

He also did quite a feisty interview on BBC Radio Kent that same morning.

BBC Radio Kent (Mike Ziolek)

Listen at 3:13:10 in at 9.13 am.

The Rabbi starts at 3:14:50 until 3:27:00.


Week of 16th Oct – Am Yisrael Chai

Here are two of the several media interviews that Rabbi Romain has done on the terrible events in Israel and Gaza

GB News

or Click here

BBC Radio 2 (Jeremy Vine) (go forward to 25:06 minutes in)

Week of 18th Sept – Rosh Hashanna chance

What role has chance played in your life? It might be a chance meeting that led to a relationship or to a career change? Or did you have the chance & not seize. It’s something the Rabbi explored in an article in The Times to mark Rosh Hashanna by Simply Clicking here or by visiting: 

Week of 11th Sept – New Year, New King, Newgate

The Rabbi did the News Review for BBC London yesterday on the Jewish New Year (why isn’t it in January like everyone else’s?). Also on King Charles III (he seems to be doing better than the four problems everyone predicted when he acceded to the throne this week last year), and what it was like when the Rabbi was in a prison (as a prison chaplain, not an inmate). If you would like to listen, go to: (from 1:43:18). Hear more.

Week of 4th Sept – Proposal Planners

The Rabbi was asked today by The Times about the Jewish view of proposal planners. There is nothing religiously wrong with them, though it does carry the possible danger that the person being proposed to would be so overwhelmed that they might feel unable to refuse, especially if there is a camera lens trained on them, and knowing that family and friends are looking on with the obvious expectation that they say “yes”. More generally, this development reflects the Instagramisation of everyday life, whereby each moment has to be captured and shared. Sometimes it may be best just to enjoy the fleeting privacy of a moment, rather than constantly be thinking how it will look to others. See more.



Week of 31st July – What God would want us kept alive in agony? Not mine.

The Rabbi was asked to write a piece on assisted dying for the Sunday Times yesterday, on why you can be a person of faith and also in favour of assisted dying; value life, but also want to relieve people from suffering. 

Simply click here

It provoked a big response and so far there have been over 409 comments, largely very positive, but naturally some against it.

Week of 24th July – The falling rate of marriages…

The Church of England has tried to counter the falling number of marriages taking place in Church by abolishing wedding fees. Is that really why people are not getting married in church as much as before? And what about synagogue marriages? The Rabbi discussed it yesterday on BBC Radio Berkshire. Simply click here and then scroll forward to 2:48:40.

Week of 17th July – Interfaith dialog in Tbilisi…

Two weekends ago, the Rabbi was asked to go to Tbilisi, Georgia to open a very special new building, housing a “trinity” of three faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all together, though separately, in a shared sacred space. Here’s what happened: Simply click here.

Week of 3rd July – The campaign for Assisted Dying…

The Rabbi has long been an advocate for assisted dying. Read how he is to chair the assisted dying campaign group by Simply clicking here and study the case to legalise assisted dying, in the name of compassion by Simply clicking here.

Week of 26th June – Orthodox vs. Reform views of the Temple…

The Rabbi does a periodic column with an Orthodox rabbi in The Jewish Chronicle and this week’s question was: what is the point of references to the Temple in the liturgy when it was destroyed so long ago? The (very different!) responses can be found by Simply clicking here

Week of 19th June – Nottingham deaths…

The deaths in Nottingham brought to the fore several tragic issues, including that of parents who lose their children. The Rabbi knows of at least sixteen families in the Synagogue who are in that position, with two happening in just the last fortnight.

He was asked to speak about his own loss and advice he would give to the Nottingham parents. This was on Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine programme here. (Scroll forward to 09.35minutes).

He also wrote a follow-up article for the Mail on Sunday: Simply click here

Week of 12th June – Alzheimer’s Carers…

Alzheimer’s, and related forms of dementia, are becoming increasingly prevalent both in society at large and our own community, so the Rabbi held a meeting for all those in the synagogue caring for Loved Ones  and here is the result as reported in this week’s Jewish Chronicle: 

Simply click here

Week of 5th June – Prayers for last Week…

The Rabbi was asked to do the Prayer for the Day for the BBC last week, but it turned out to be more a case Rabbinic Story for the Day. If you missed them (they were on a dawn break), here they are:

Sat. 27th May ; Mon 29th May ; Tues 30th May ; Wed 31st May Thur 1st June ; Fri 2nd June 

Week of 29th May – Prayer for the Day…

The Rabbi is doing the Prayer for the Day on BBC Radio 4 all week at 6.30 am. If you missed last Saturday’s, it can be found here at:

while today’s is here at:

with the last one on Friday.

Week of 22nd May – Sliding Doors…

The Rabbi has been wondering how Jewish history might have been so different from the outcome that we take for granted. What if certain things had happened (such as Jeremy Corbyn winning the last election)…or had not happened (such as Edward I expelling the Jews from England in 1290)? Here is the result:

Simply click here

Week of 15th May – Is Polyamory Allowed in Judaism?

There is a new issue that is now on the radar of the Jewish community and which rabbis are beginning to assess – polyamory – although with different reactions by Orthodox and Reform rabbis. Here is an example:

Simply click here

Week of 8th May – Coronation, Local elections and AI

What did you feel about the Coronation – was it worth watching (or having in the first place)? And if you voted in the local elections last week, did you base your decision on local or national factors? As for Artificial Intelligence (AI): do we need to be worried or is the current fuss just hysterical reaction to progress? I discussed these on BBC Radio London on Sunday morning:

Click here and scroll forward to 1:38:45.

Week of 1st May – The God Desire

If you’ve read David Baddiel’s new book on The God Desire, or are thinking of doing so, here’s the Rabbi’s review of it: 

Simply click here.

Week of 17th April – a different look at the Bible
If you wished you had not missed the fascinating Adult Education course we’ve done over the last six months, looking at the Gospel of Matthew from a Jewish point of view, then here is an easy way to catch up in five minutes. Rabbi Romain was asked to write up the highlights for The Church Times – click here for the result.

Week of 3rd April – How to Seder

If you leading a seder and thinking exactly how to do it…or going to someone else’s and wondering what to expect…or aware of some family falls-out this time last year over “the right way” of holding it, then there are few tips in a piece the Rabbi wrote in this week’s Jewish Chronicle that might be of use.

Simply click here.

Week of the 27th March – what’s the consensus?

One of the fascinating results of the 2021 Census was that while the number of Christians has decreased to below the 50% mark, the Jewish community has slightly increased. Why should that be? Rabbi Romain reckons there are two possible reasons: one is a higher rate of greater procreation and the other is the power of home life, which is much more pronounced in Judaism than in Christianity. He has explained how both apply in a piece for The Times: Click here
Week of the 20th March – The Royal family or your family?

Was King Charles right to invite Harry and Meghan to the Coronation? Generous move or big mistake? More to the point, what do the royal family tribulations have in common with many a Jewish household? The Rabbi explores this theme in an article in this week’s Jewish Chronicle. Click here to read it
Week of the 13th March – Gary Lineker controversy

It has been virtually impossible to ignore the Gary Lineker controversy: was he right to speak out on the Government’s immigration policy….did he make the right call…was it appropriate to talk about “the language of the 1930s”. Rabbi Romain took part in the national debate when he was asked to write a column for The Times on it. Click here to read his opinion
Week of the 6th March – Israel in the spotlight

From discussions we’ve had in Synagogue, it is clear that many members are both puzzled and disturbed at the sudden lurch to extremist policies that seems to be happening in Israel, whether it be limiting civil rights, redefining who is a Jew, curtailing women’s rights, making impositions on secular Israelis, being anti-gay and adopting a much greater hostility towards Palestinians. For many, their previous worried about external threats to Israel’s safety have been replaced by fears about internal threats. This is discussed further by Rabbi Romain and others here Click here
Week of the 27th February – the question of self-identity

The question of being trans and the issue of self-identity have been very a topic of discussion in recent times….and has returned to the headlines with the controversies over them in the election of the new SNP leader. What’s the Jewish attitude? Here’s an Orthodox & a Reform view in the monthly column I do with an Orthodox rabbi  in the Jewish Chronicle: Click here

Week of February 20th – Navigating bereavement

As many members will know, one of Rabbi Romain’s son’s tragically drowned on his honeymoon recently.

“Of course,, my loss is far from unique and many others have suffered enormously painful losses, both out of the blue and in expected situations. In an article for yesterday’s Sunday Times, I explore some of the emotions one feels when a bereavement  occurs, along with the practical consequences involved.”

Rabbi Romain
Click here to read more.

Week of February 12th – NHS supports important test for Jews

BRCA is a gene fault that applies especially to Jews, but can affect others too, and can lead to various cancers, such as ovarian and prostate. Recent research shows that – contrary to what had always been assumed – family history is not a true guide to your vulnerability & a new test is becoming available to everyone via NHS England. I have written an article in the Jewish Chronicle giving details of both my own brush with cancer and why Jews in particular should take the new tests; see:

Week of the 6th February – What is the majority religion in the UK?

The 2021 census appeared to show that Britain is no longer a Christian country, with under 50% stating that were of the Christian faith. This led the BBC 1’s programme Sunday Morning Live, to launch a short debate (ten minutes) – in which I participated along with a Christian, Muslim and Humanist – asking “Is Britain better off without God?”.

Week of the 9th January – Harry, Putin, births and deaths

Do you feel the Prince Harry saga has gone on too long in public and needs to be sorted privately? Did you notice the Census finding about the real (as opposed to anecdotal) number of those who are gay or trans – what’s the significance for public policy?  President Putin proposed a Christmas truce – quite apart from whether it was a genuine offer, how moral are such truces – why not either carry on killing or make peace? And whose funeral was more significant: that of Pele or Pope Benedict XV1?
Rabbi Romain covered all these topics in the News Review on Sunday 8th January 2023 for BBC London. To listen click here and scroll forward to 1.40


Week of the 26th December – Time to learn more?

If you want a new Year’s resolution, how about deciding to attend Limmud – the annual pop-up Jewish feast of learning and exchange (on Jewish history, texts, culture, arts, crafts…you name it, it’s there…plus a parallel children’s programme). It’s a great chance to explore with teachers (professional and amateur) you would not otherwise have access to…and all groups within Judaism mingling happily, from the most Orthodox to the ultra-secular, with some 2,000 people attending. It takes place every December over Christmas, and you can go for all four days or just one, so now is the time or make a note in your diary for next year.


Week of the 19th December – Lights! Zoom! Action!

It’s still Hanukkah…and although you’ve missed the Hanukkah Party at the synagogue and the Latke Party at my house, you can still join in the mass Zoom Candle-Lighting we are doing every evening 20th – 25th December inclusive at 7.00 pm for 10 minutes (except for Friday 23rd, when we’ll be lighting in person at the Synagogue). The Zoom link is in the email you were sent on Sunday evening, but if you cannot locate it, contact


Week of the 12th December – The Private Passions of a Rabbi

To my surprise, as someone not known for his musical repertoire, I was asked to be on yesterday’s Private Passions – Radio 3’s equivalent of Desert Island Discs. So if you listen you will find out what are my favourite seven musical pieces, along with a conversation inbetween the pieces on various issues: ranging from why I became a rabbi, how come I got awarded an MBE, why I support legislation to allow assisted dying for the terminally ill …and, most important of all, what is my favourite Jewish joke? You can listen here.


Week of the 5th December – Museums of Life

Following the tour of the Jewish cemetery, Rabbi Romain did a few months ago, he has now written an article on it in The Times, highlighting examples of what not to inscribe, plus some very moving ones. His conclusion is that we cannot rely on people writing charitable words about us after we have gone, but have to earn the inscription that will sum us up.


Click here

Week of the 28th November – One good deed deserves a national response

Mitzvah means command, but is often used to also mean good deed, and Mitzvah Day is a national campaign for Jews to do goods deeds for wider society. Of course, we should be doing that every day, but having a focal point helps concentrate our thinking. By working via synagogues throughout the country, Mitzvah day also helps organise activities for members to join in and makes it easy to participate. At Maidenhead, we have taken part of Mitzvah Day for many years and  did so again this year, with a variety of activities:
We cooked around 100 meals for the Brett Foundation (serving the homeless and the local foodbank), did a collect-a-thon for First Days ( a Berkshire-wide charity that supports children and their families in Berkshire), made cards for children recovering from heart surgery for Save-a-Child’s Heart, hosted  Knit Your Socks Off, a local charity that makes knitted, interacted with some our Ukrainian families, did a litter pick, made bird feeders and visited a neighbouring care home, Herewards House. It was quite a busy day and received a full-page report in the Maidenhead Advertiser. Click here to see the full article.

Week of the 28th November – One good deed deserves a national response

Mitzvah means command, but is often used to also mean good deed, and Mitzvah Day is a national campaign for Jews to do goods deeds for wider society. Of course, we should be doing that every day, but having a focal point helps concentrate our thinking. By working via synagogues throughout the country, Mitzvah day also helps organise activities for members to join in and makes it easy to participate. At Maidenhead, we have taken part of Mitzvah Day for many years and  did so again this year, with a variety of activities:
We cooked around 100 meals for the Brett Foundation (serving the homeless and the local foodbank), did a collect-a-thon for First Days ( a Berkshire-wide charity that supports children and their families in Berkshire), made cards for children recovering from heart surgery for Save-a-Child’s Heart, hosted  Knit Your Socks Off, a local charity that makes knitted, interacted with some our Ukrainian families, did a litter pick, made bird feeders and visited a neighbouring care home, Herewards House. It was quite a busy day and received a full-page report in the Maidenhead Advertiser. Click here to see the full article.

Week of the 21st November – The World Cup with a spotlight on social issues

We had a wide-ranging discussion on Shabbat over the pros & cons of the World Cup in Qatar. Most people felt that it should not have been given to Qatar – whether because of human rights concerns or football issues (the temperature, interrupting the domestic season) – but now that it is happening, players should do their best, fans be respectful of local culture, and we should feel free to watch. If change cannot come through the front door of politics, maybe it will happen through the sporting back door. The one thing that is certain is that if the World Cup was not being held there, then there would no spotlight at all on all Qatar’s social issues. And if the ban on alcohol at matches means English fans are less rowdy, then maybe the Qataris have some things to teach us, alongside the many improvements to their society that they can learn from us.

Week of 14 November 2022 – Is Tikkun Olam a Jewish value or fad?

For many years Rabbi Romain has been writing a column in the Jewish Chronicle in which both he and an Orthodox rabbi each answer a question send in by the public…..and often with very different results! Last week was the 200th column and tackled the question of Is tikkun olam a genuine Jewish value or something cooked up for a woke generation?

Click here to read the discussion.

Week of 7 November 2022 – Could your spare room give a home to a Ukrainian?

Can you help? Rabbi Romain has launched a fresh campaign to find new hosts for Ukrainian refuges who are coming to the end of their six-month stay here in the UK.

Jonathan Romain explains in the Maidenhead Advertiser how the cost-of-living crisis is forcing host families to end their support for Ukrainian visitors as he calls for more people to provide safe havens for refugees. See the full article here.

Week of 31 October 2022 – Elon, Kanye, Cop27 and the World Cup

This week Rabbi Romain was invited to take part in the Newspaper Review for BBC London  – covering Twitter (will Elon Musk be saviour or destroyer?), Kanye West (disturbing outbursts & pleasing reactions), Cop27 (who should and shouldn’t go?) and the World Cup in Qatar (how should gay fans behave?). Hear the Rabbi’s thoughts on another controversial week here and fast forward to 1 hour 42 minutes

Week of 24 October 2022 – Clerical parallels across faiths

There are obviously many differences between vicars and rabbis, but a surprising amount of similarities too – be it handling change, trying to get prayers answered, warning couples if they are unsuitable for each other, talking about death and dealing  with difficult people. He explores some of these issues in a piece he wrote this week for the Church Times:

Have a read here.

Week of 17 October 2022 – Tradition!
The rabbi has been covering various subjects on Twitter this week. Here’s a few highlights.
On how Jewish traditions evolve: At Shavuot at Maidenhead we have cheesecake & strawberries. When I ask people why the latter, they say it represents it being a harvest festival. No, I introduced it 30 years ago as I like them, but now it’s “the tradition”… interpretation!
On faith schools: If we want a tolerant inclusive society, then we need an tolerant inclusive educational system to produce it. It took centuries to dismantle class barriers, so why erect religious ones & segregate children of different faiths in separate schools. It’s educational apartheid.
On Assisted dying: In readiness for assisted dying hopefully being legalised in the near future, I’m getting together with other clergy colleagues to plan a short religious ceremony for the person/family/friends at the moment of saying goodbye, at home or elsewhere. All suggestions welcomed.
If you wish to follow him on Twitter, he is at: @RabbiRomain


Week of 10 October 2022 – A mixed-faith couple? You’re very welcome!

How welcoming should we be to mixed-faith couples? For some, it is the ultimate sin, but Maidenhead Synagogue has led the way in acknowledging social realities and making both partners feel welcome.

See the article by Rabbi Romain that appeared in the Jewish Chronicle recently by clicking here and the interview with two local couples sharing their experience on Radio 4’s “Sunday” programme here (just scroll forward to 06:17).


Week of 3 October 2022 – The abortion debate and the Jewish view

What is polarising American election campaigns, but thankfully has not become a political football here? The abortion debate. Is there a Jewish view? Of course! Click here to read a recent article by Rabbi Romain and another rabbi, Sybil Sheridan of whom he has a high regard.

Sunday 26 September 2022 – What’s your New Year’s resolution?

It’s a busy week, with the start of the Jewish New Year and Rabbi Romain wrote a piece in The Times about why, despite the long hours, it’s great being a rabbi…and if your new year’s resolution is to change career, you might consider it for yourself! Jonathan also explained why he dreads it when children at local schools that he visits ask him why he decided to become a rabbi. Find out by clicking here.

Sunday 18 September 2022 – Reflections on a nation in mourning

The day before the Queen’s funeral, Rabbi Romain was asked by BBC radio and television to share thoughts on both her and King Charles, as well as the national mood. For BBC 1 (Sunday Morning Live), click here and scroll forward to 2.07 minutes.

For BBC Radio London (Inspirit), click here and scroll forward to 2.40.34.

Week of 12 September 2022 – The Queen’s passing, a reign that has seen all faiths flourish

As we all know, the news since Thursday has been dominated by the death of the Queen. For Rabbi Romain, one of the significant aspects of her life was the importance  of her faith and how she used it not only as a guide for her own life, but broadened it out into the national life. Her official title may have been “Defender of the faith”, referring exclusively to the Church of England, but in reality her reign has seen all faiths flourish, with her giving out a very clear message from the first year of her reign that she recognised Britain was a multi-faith society and wanted to encourage it to be a tolerant pluralist society.

“We had a very powerful Sabbath service at the Synagogue which included a tribute to the Queen from me, followed by everyone present adding their own thought or favourite memory. The result was the service ended much later than usual! We also ended by singing  ‘God Save the King’- an old tune but new words,  and it was surprisingly emotional to sing it for the first time.”

There is a Book of Condolence at the Synagogue for members to pay their respects and share reflections at this sad time.

During August – Ukraine independence Day at Maidenhead Synagogue

One of the amazing events that happened in August – and for the first time in the history of the Synagogue – was the celebration of Ukraine Independence Day (who even knew it was August 24th until recently?). It was a spine-tingling moment as you will see from this description in the Maidenhead Advertiser.

Week of 25 July 2022 – Keeping it kosher

The Assembly of Reform Rabbis and Cantors set up a working party chaired by Rabbi Romain to review  the way animals are slaughtered in order for them to provide kosher meat. Have a read of Jonathan’s article here with the findings in the Jewish Chronicle (but please note the article title was written by the publication not Rabbi Romain).

Week of 18 July 2022 –  Mo Farah’s secret background and is it time to change how we live?

Two things have caught the Rabbi’s eye over the last few days:

” Firstly, I just heard the Mo Farah interview on Radio “Today” about how he was trafficked illegally in Britain as a child-slave – so sad – but even worse to think of the 100s (1000s?) of others who didn’t get to improve their lives in the way he did. I can never get over how we humans can be both wonderful in so many ways and abominable in others.

“The other big-news story is of course the UK hitting extreme temperatures never seen before. If this heat level becomes the norm in UK life, we will have to build houses as they do in Israel to keep cool: stone floors (not wooden ones with carpets/rugs that keep in the heat); blinds, not curtains (also heat retaining); work 7 am- 1pm, then 4-8 pm. Simple but effective.”

Week of 11 July 2022 –  Weddings, funerals and other challenges!

“I don’t think I’ve married a virgin for 30 years!”
Jonathan Romain shared his memories and insights into modern day weddings, sensitivity at funerals and other memorable occasions with Jeremy Vine on his radio show on Tuesday 5th July. Click here and fast-forward to 1 minute, 37 seconds.
Read more anecdotes in Jonathan’s latest book, “The Naked Rabbi”.

Week of 4 July 2022 –  Rabbi Romain was Inspirit on BBC London with Jumoke Fashola

Have a listen to Jonathan Romain reviewing the Sunday papers with Jumoke Fashola on her weekly show. Jumoke’s sessions debate big religious, moral and ethical issues. Jonathan comments on the Roe v Wade case, train strikes and Prince William turning 40! Click here at 1 minute 40 seconds to have a listen.

Week of 27 June 2022 –  The Rabbi shared his despair

Rabbi Romain shared his despair over the Charedi protests against the Schools Bill. Click here to read the full article in The Jewish Chronicle.


Week of 20 June 2022 –  A Minor Triumph amid the Woes of the World

The photo here shows Ukrainian refugee Ludmilla with her host Hugh on the left and Rabbi Romain on her right, as she tries out her new bicycle donated by Maidenhead based charity Open Arms.

Ludmilla came to Maidenhead from Harkiv a month ago with her two children, although her husband stayed in Ukraine to be part of the war effort.

The provision of bicycles is just one of many ways the Charity is supporting local refugees.

“It was a minor triumph amid the woes of the world” Jonathan said, referring  to how he has been linking up those with bicycles to give away with Ukrainians who need them to get around.

“It is remarkable how such a simple thing as a bicycle can make the world of difference to Ukrainian refugees, be it teenagers getting to school, or adults travelling for work interviews”.

Open Arms is a charity set up by Maidenhead organisations Food Bank and The Brett Foundation alongside Dr Jonathan Romain and members of Maidenhead Synagogue to help Ukrainian refugees in the UK. The website is packed with useful information in both in English and Ukrainian. Please contact the organisation through the website if you can offer your help in any way.


Week of 13 June 2022 – Religion on Film

This week Rabbi Romain spoke out in the media (including The Times Letters page in photo) about the furore over the new film, The Lady of Heaven about Islam after the death of Mohammed, with protesters forcing cinemas to withdraw the film, saying:

There is no right not to be religiously offended. It may be regrettable, but it is part of living in a society that allows free speech, and the value of the latter far outweighs the downside of the former.

In the past, Christians have endured The Life of Brian, while we suffered the misrepresentation of Jews in The Passion of the Christ. If some Muslims object to The Lady of Heaven, then the answer is to avoid the film or to peacefully hand out corrective leaflets to those attending, but not to threaten the cinema or prevent others from seeing it.

When Mormons were very displeased by the musical The Book of Mormon, they took out a full page advert in the programme and invited theatre-goers to come to a Mormon service themselves and make their own mind up. What a mature response!”


Week of 6 June 2022 – Rabbi Romain on BBC’s Sunday Sequence

Rabbi Romain joined Elaine Starkey on BBC’s Sunday Sequence last week to discuss how come 2.4 billion people believe that Jesus was the son of God, yet his own people, the Jews, don’t? Follow the link here and follow the discussion, view from around 1.18 hrs.

Week of 30 May 2022 – Thoughts turn to the Queen

Rabbi Romain shared a few thoughts via Twitter regarding the Platinum Jubilee, The Queen and faith.

“One question that bothers me is what has been the influence of the Queen? She is a great example of a person of faith, yet faith has declined in the UK. She is a person of integrity, but trust in politicians, police & media has declined. What is her legacy?”

“There’s a longstanding Jewish tradition that when someone has a birthday or significant marker, we say “May you live to 120”, but have little expectation this will actually happen. But with Queen Elizabeth II….who knows?….maybe?”

Week of 23 May 2022 – Assisted dying, Government ethics & gun crime in the States

Rabbi Romain tweets regularly – you can follow him via @RabbiRomain – on a wide variety of subjects. On various days this week, he tweeted on national issues such the assisted dying debate in this country, “partygate” and the school shooting tragedy in the USA:

“We got to 100,000 signatures for a petition, the number needed to trigger a debate in the House of Commons on changing the law on assisted dying to permit it for those who are mentally competent, terminally ill & who wish to have it to end their suffering. It’s getting closer.”

“Hard to know what is worse: Johnson’s complete disregard for the rules, or the way normally decent Cabinet members go on the media twisting themselves into verbal knots to justify the unjustifiable; it’s utterly cringe-worthy listening to them and so morally debasing for them.”

“The BBC’s Today programme reported something so unbelievable this morning that they had to reassure listeners it was true an hour later: that more USA children died in 2020 from guns than from car crashes. Roads are safer than schools! Time for parents to take on the gun lobby.”

Week of 16 May 2022 – Israel, Jews & Antisemitism in the Labour Party

“This was a remarkable evening as we heard from someone who is at the very heart of Labour politics (Luke Akehurst is on the National Executive of the party). He gave a clear analysis of how Jeremy Corbyn secured the leadership position and the problems that then emerged.

Luke also critiqued Keir Starmer’s performance so far, saying that he had moved very quickly and decisively to steer labour away from the knee-jerk anti-Israel bias of the far left and also to undo the hurt caused by the antisemitism that was allowed to flourish under Corbyn – Luke himself is not Jewish and is on the centre right of the party, and so was very approving of the way Starmer had turned-around the party, though he also warned that the task was not yet complete and Labour was still ‘on a journey’ back to the middle ground and being able to offer a safe home to Jewish voters.”


800th Anniversary: Introduction of the Jew Badge to England

“A remarkable service of remembrance and repentance by the Church of England took place recently at Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford (in which I participated, as did the Jewish choir OxfordShir) on the 800th anniversary of the Synod of Oxford in 1222, which introduced the Jew badge to England. Curiously, my mother was a penniless child refugee on the Kindertransport who lived in Oxford during WW2 a short distance from the Cathedral. She would have been amazed that her son was asked to take part in one of its services, as well as the inter-faith reconciliation that is so much in evidence today.”

Week of 9 May 2022 – Organised Religion is up for discussion

“Out of the blue, I was invited to speak at the Oxford Union in one of its famous debates. The topic was “This House would move beyond organised religion” and I was asked to speak against the motion. Traditionally, there are four speakers on each side and amongst those in favour was the Professor of Moral and Social Theology, Linda Woodhead. It was lively debate, and, as it happens, we won by a large margin. As you will see, one of the conditions was a strict dress code of it being a black tie event.”

Week of 2 May 2022 – Ukraine a Nazi state? No!

Rabbi Romain tweets regularly – you can follow him via @RabbiRomain – on a wide variety of subjects. This particular week he voiced his disgust via Twitter at Lavrov’s remarks regarding Ukraine. He explains more here:

“Lavrov’s remark really annoyed me. When challenged by a reporter as to why Russia was claiming to be helping to “de-Nazify” Ukraine when it has a Jewish President and so could not possibly be a Nazi state, he gave the above response, clearly clutching at straws to justify his statement, but doing so in a reprehensible way. The fact that President Putin apologised a few days later – a great rarity for him to do so – shows just how outrageous it was. But, the damage has been done and Lavrov’s reply will now be often quoted by those who wish to attack Jews.”

Regular Services

Erev Shabbat ServicesEvery Friday evening 

Shabbat Morning Services
Every Saturday Morning


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Contact Us
Rabbi Rene Pfertzel
​Grenfell LodgeRay Park RoadMaidenheadSL6 8QX

Maidenhead Synagogue is led by Rabbi Rene Pfertzel.
Copyright © Maidenhead Synagogue 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Maidenhead Synagogue is a charity limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under number 5512194.
Registered charity number 1110795