Our Facilities
Maidenhead Synagogue at Grenfell Lodge has an overarching purpose to bring Jewish people together – to meet, share their history, explore their beliefs and develop their Jewish life in an open and caring setting.
Barbara Grossman, Head of Projects
We hope that everyone who comes through the door feels welcome and at home. When you arrive, you’ll find a thriving community centre as well as the Prayer Hall – we strive to ensure that all the communal areas are fully accessible to visitors.
The Prayer Hall
Our prayer hall is designed to feel comfortable whether there are 20 or 200 people. Jews of all denominations, partners and visitors of other faiths or none, are all welcome.
Maidenhead Synagogue is a member of the Movement for Reform Judaism and services are a mixture of the traditional and the modern. Services are highly inclusive, with men and women sitting together and taking an equal part in all aspects of the service. They are conducted in a mixture of Hebrew and English.

A thriving community centre
Alongside the prayer hall, the space provides a home to the following facilities for our community:
- Library
- Kosher & Judaica Shop
- Nursery
- Religion school
- Study rooms
- Youth clubs
- Adult education classes
- Conversion classes
- Social activities for adults & children
- Sunday Café
- Room hire facilities
- Playground
- Garden
- On-site parking for members & visitors

“We have seen the Synagogue grow since joining in 2000. Every Sunday, my girls went to Religion School and both were Batmitzvahed at the Shul. We enjoy the close knit community spirit here and have made great friendships over the years. We go when we can, usually always for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, and have loved the online Shul services too. Simchat Torah, Mitzvah Day and the Quiz Night are all family favourites.”